
Metis is a layer-2 scaling solution designed to improve transaction speeds and reduce gas costs for Ethereum-based decentralized applications. It uses an optimistic rollup architecture, which means transactions are processed off-chain and then periodically settled on the Ethereum mainnet in a secure batched manner. By moving transactions off-chain, Metis is able to achieve speeds over 3000 transactions per second and significantly lower gas fees compared to native Ethereum.

Some of the key innovations Metis introduces include a Rotating Sequencer Committee which facilitates faster transaction ordering and finality, the METIS PoS token that allows participation in network operation and governance, and advanced zero-knowledge cryptography for security. Ease of onboarding is enabled by maintaining EVM compatibility for porting smart contracts, while custom architectures boost DeFi use cases. With solutions tailored for scalability, affordability and security of on-chain transactions, Metis represents a performant scaling avenue for decentralized applications looking to harness layer 2 technologies.

Nodies DLB's Metis Nodes provide API access via the JSON-RPC specification. In this section, you will find detailed information on how to effectively interact with each API.

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