Ethereum Benchmarks

Benchmark Date: 08/24/2023

Providers included

  • Nodies

  • Blast API

  • Infura

  • Alchemy

RPC Method Tested


Flood Command

flood eth_getBlockByNumber <endpoint1> <endpoint2> <endpoint3> <endpoint4> <endpoint5> --rates 10 100 1000 10000 --duration 30

Benchmark Summary

Benchmarking the Ethereum mainnet endpoints across various request loads reveals the following observations:

  • P50 Latency: Nodies consistently showcased optimal performance, maintaining sub-10ms latency even at the highest request rate of 10,000 rps. BlastAPI also demonstrated commendable latencies, particularly from 100 to 1,000 rps. Infura's latency rose drastically to nearly 77.7 seconds. Alchemy maintained latencies between 106ms and 131ms.

  • P90 Latency: Nodies remained the top performer with its latency under 20ms across all request loads, except at 10,000 rps where it still remained below 4.5 seconds. BlastAPI and Alchemy demonstrated similar trends, though BlastAPI consistently exhibited lower latencies. Infura's latency surged to 85.9 seconds at 10,000 rps.

  • P99 Latency: The differences become more pronounced. Nodies' performance remained under 24.3 seconds even at the highest load. BlastAPI and Alchemy showed relatively low latencies compared Infura. Notably, Infura's latency at 10,000 rps was close to 89 seconds.

In conclusion, the Nodies endpoint demonstrated top-notch performance across all percentiles and request loads. BlastAPI also fared well, followed by Alchemy. Infura's performance, especially at the P50 and P90 percentiles for 10,000 rps, requires attention due to its extraordinarily high latency.

Latency Benchmarks

Metrics: Latency percentiles (P50, P90, P99) against load rates (10, 100, 1000, and 10000 rps). P50 Latency (in ms, lower is better):

P90 Latency (in ms, lower is better):

P99 Latency (in ms. lower is better):

Last updated