Downloading Snapshots

You can download the snapshots using any method you prefer, but we recommend using aria2c for fast and efficient downloads to your machine. You can install aria2c by running the following command in terminal:

sudo apt-get install aria2
  1. Visit our Snapshot page, where you can select the chain and type of snapshot you wish to download. You can also choose the download region for the best speed.

  1. Copy the download URL, then use aria2c in terminal to download the snapshot:

aria2c -s 10 -x 10 <SNAPSHOT_URL>

Replace <SNAPSHOT_URL> with the URL copied from the Snapshot page.

-s <X> refers to the # of segments to download

-x <X> refers to the # of connections allowed for this download

Together, these 2 options instruct aria2c to split the snapshot file into X segments and download them simultaneously. Visit aria2c's manual page for more information and options.

  1. (OPTIONAL) After downloading, verify the file by comparing the hashes:

sha256sum <SNAPSHOT_FILE>

Replace <SNAPSHOT_FILE> with the downloaded file.

Last updated